Choose the Best King-Size Mattress

Finding the right king-size mattress can be a time-consuming, painstaking effort. Compare and contrast different styles and brands of mattresses before deciding on the right mattress for you. If at all possible, test a mattress out personally to gauge its comfort and construction. Taking the time to make an informed choice and to find a quality, a long-lasting mattress will mean that it should be about a decade before you have to worry about mattress shopping again.
- Test the firmness of different mattresses. Mattresses come in different degrees of firmness: medium, firm, extra-firm and super-firm. These are designed to accommodate different preferences. Medium is generally for children and smaller adults who like a softer mattress. Firm is for people who want a fairly supportive mattress. Extra-firm, often the most popular, is suitable for most body types. Super-firm is for larger people or people who prefer very supportive beds.
- Look at the number of coils the mattress has. Coils provide the main support for the body of a mattress, so in general, the more coils in a mattress core, the more supportive the mattress will be. A typical mattress can contain between 250 and 1,000 coil springs, but as a rule of thumb, the minimum number of coils recommended for a king-size mattress is 450. Some super-firm mattresses contain over 1,500 coils.
- Consider nontraditional mattresses. New mattress styles, like those created with memory foam, and reinventions of old styles, like latex mattresses, have become common in the market. If you are not familiar with these styles, you may want to try them out at a local mattress dealer. Memory foam, which was developed by NASA, moulds itself to your body and supports it very evenly. Latex mattresses, which are popular in Europe, are known for their support and durability.
- Compare different mattress brands. Major national brands have earned their reputations for a reason–because they are proven leaders in the market, but definitely shop around. You may find a lesser-known brand that you like just as much, if not more, than a big-name brand.
- Compare prices for different brands of mattresses that have roughly equal features. Inexpensive mattresses may not be the wisest choice–less expensive mattresses are sometimes priced lower because compromises have been made in the manufacturing process, whether in the quality of coils, foam, or in the actual construction of the mattress itself. Narrow your choice to about three models that you like, then pick the least expensive of the three if all have equivalent materials and features.
H/T Mark Nero